A country's global current account deficit depends on the excess of its gross domestic investment over gross domestic savings. 一个国家的全球经常项目赤字,取决于其国内投资总额超过国内存款总额的多少。
Much like the key performance indicators taught at business schools to assess executives, the system seeks to make officials work for measurable results in policy areas beyond the gross domestic product growth and foreign investment targets stressed in the past. 这项体系非常类似于商学院所教授的、用于评估企业管理层的关键绩效指标,它试图使官员们在以往所强调的GDP增长和引进外资目标等政策领域之外,致力于可衡量的结果。
Now consider, instead, what might happen if gross investment were reduced, as those fearful of overheating and excessive investment suggest, but without cutting savings. 相反,如果像那些担心经济过热和投资过度的人建议的那样,减少总投资,但不削减储蓄,将会出现什么情况?
Gross fixed capital investment slowed, but still posted growth of0.9%. 固定资本投资放缓,但仍张贴增长0.9%。
Gross domestic investment-GDI: Outlays for additions to the fixed assets of the economy plus the net value of inventory changes. 国内投资总额(简写为GDI):一个国家增加的固定资产开支,加上存货变动的净值。
From 2000 to 2010, growth of gross fixed investment averaged 13.3 per cent, while growth of private consumption averaged 7.8 per cent. 从2000到2010年,中国固定资产投资总额年均增速为13.3%,而个人消费年均增速为7.8%。
Lastly, the ratio is calculated using gross investment, ignoring depreciation. 最后,这个数据是用总投资进行计算的,忽略了对折旧的扣除。
The gross value of investment in construction activities accounted for43% of total fixed capital formation in2003. 2003年建造工程投资总值占固定资本形成总额43%。
With a remarkably open economy and gross fixed investment at 43 per cent of gross domestic product last year, it is hard to identify significant constraints on China's growth in the medium term. 作为一个颇为开放的经济体,去年固定投资总额在国内生产总值(GDP)中所占的比例为43%,从中期看,很难找出对中国经济增长构成明显制约的因素。
The sum of net foreign lending ( gross savings, less domestic investment) and the government and private sector financial balances ( the latter the sum of corporate and household balances) must be zero. 净国外贷款总额(总储蓄减去国内投资)与政府及私人部门的金融账户余额(后者为企业和家庭账户余额总和)之和一定为零。
For the model of four sectional economy, imports and exports balance yet affects hot money gross with transmitting by enterprise investment and family consumption; 从四部门经济模型看,进出口差额的大小也会通过企业的生产性消费(固定资产投资,库存投资等)和家庭的消费两部分的传导,影响到游资量;
The gross fixed assets investment of steel trade was 132,907 million yuan in 2003, increasing 87.18%, far exceed the growth rate of investment in fixed assets of the whole country and the secondary industry. 2003年钢铁行业固定资产投资总额为1329.07亿元,增幅为87.18%,远远超过全国和第二产业固定资产投资的增长速度。
The powerful solutions used in Xiao Langdi Multipurpose Dam such as dynamic controlling in static investment and reasonable adjusting for the controlling of gross investment, which can be used by the controlling of investment in the modern hydraulic and hydroelectric projects for reference. 在案例中采取的投资控制的一些具体措施如静态投资,动态管理、总量控制、合理调整等希望能为现代水利水电工程的投资控制提供借鉴意义。
Discoursing upon the domino effect between the direct investments made by Overseas Chinese and the economic growth, analyzing it from the point of view of gross investment, investment structure, economic growth and technological progress. 从投资总量、投资结构、经济增长、技术进步等方面论述了海外华人直接投资与中国经济增长的长效应分析,同时分析了在海外华人投资过程中存在的问题。
Whether the engineering is feasible on economic benefits can be decided by gross investment resulting from the investment estimates of feasibility study phase. General estimate need be made in conceptual phase. 在可行性研究阶段的投资估算要具体些,要深入到每个具体项目的投资,同时要做整个项目的经济评价,通过投资估算出的工程总投资,在经济效益上看这个工程项目是否可行。
2002, China exceeded the U.S-the most developed country, and become the largest country which attracted gross foreign direct investment in the world. 2002年,中国超过了最发达国家&美国,成为当年世界上吸引外商直接投资总量最多的国家。
Since the marginal contribution of the investment scale to the gross return decreases, the optimum investment scale exits theoretically to maximize the gross investment return. 因为投资规模对企业总体收益的边际贡献递减,因此理论上存在使企业获得最大投资收益的最优规模。
From the viewpoint of ownership system, in the past ten several year's technical transformation investment, statistical analysis is made to explain such phenomena, as gross insufficiency and lower performance of investment. 从所有制角度对统计资料分析,说明我国在过去十几年的技改投资中存在的技改投资总量不足、绩效不高等现象。
This paper attempts to offer an interpretation in the light of the financial intermediary hypothesis by offering both theoretical discussion and empirical analyses on the impact of funds flow on domestic gross savings and investment. 本文通过资金流入对国内总储蓄和总投资的影响进行理论和实证分析,从金融中介的角度对资金流动之谜做出新解。
The paper defines in a broad way Financial Intermediation in Investment, and calculates a series based on the concept for China 1981-2002, together with series of gross fixed asset investment and the incremental capital-output ratio ( ICOR) in constant prices. 本文提出关于广义金融中介投资的定义并测算了1981-2002年中国广义金融中介投资及其占全社会固定资产投资的比例。
Third, the optimization through the increase of no-stateownship and collectivity investment or renovation investment can help to the more rapid growth of the gross investment. 第三,以非国有和集体投资比重或更新改造投资比重增加为标志的投资结构优化有助于总投资规模的更快速增长。
The investment of housing occupies 26% and 29.34% respectively in social fixed assets gross investment of China and Chengdu; 住宅投资分别占全国和成都市社会固定资产总投资的26%和29.34%;
The paper deems that the gross demand increase including fixed asset investment volume, consumptive fund and fiscal deficit is not the fundamental reason of the inflation on ground of just quantitative analysis. 文章认为,包括固定资产投资规模、消费基金、财政赤字等在内的社会总需求膨胀并不是导致通货膨胀的根本原因,仅从数量上讲就不存在需求膨胀的现象。
By analyzing on the gross and makeup of investment in rural child, we can correctly grasp complexion of quality of them. 通过对孩子投资总量和构成的动态分析,能够准确地把握孩子质量的变动情况和现时水平。
Enumerates construction schemes alongside water dispatch schemes of hydraulic works at the planning area, as well as conducts estimation of the gross investment and analysis of total cost as regards the different schemes. 4. 论述了规划区拟建水利工程项目库区建设方案及水利调度方案,分别对各方案进行了总投资估算与总成本费用分析。
But compared to the growth of economy and the historical arrears of investment into environmental protection, the gross investment is greatly insufficient. 然而,现有的投入总量相较于我国经济增长和环境保护投资历史欠账仍显不足。
Current, a very prominent problem is the agricultural mechanization investment gross is insufficient and the investment efficiency is not high, which agriculture mechanization development is faced with in our country. 当前,我国农业机械化发展面临的一个非常突出的问题就是农业机械化投资总量不足、投资效益不高的问题。